Sunday, February 17, 2013

Twisted Fate

YAY! Thank you for stumbling upon this blog (intentional or not)

 I'll get right to it.. TA DAAA! here's THE LIST:  (Read beyond the list if time, circumstances permit you to do so, also comment / tag per your discretion)

(* = Further explanations to follow)

Here we go!
Perpetual Gratitude:

Dear World,

 You want to know what is great about you?
1. The IRONY of it all.*
2. Fireplaces*
3. Inquisitive intuition*
4. The 'little' things (material items)
5. Soft cozy socks
6. i's dotted with hearts
7.  The open & infinite sky and stars, beacons of hope, that we wish upon
8.Dancing leaves, on strong trees with deep, patient, & forgiving roots
10. Air dirty or not, we're still breathing
11. The magic of illumination
12. The enigma of deep waters
13. Nature's grace, indomitable will & omnipresence
14. The ability to scuba dive
15. Memories shared from those who have seen much, conquered enough to realize: we are TRIUMPHANT every time we try, no matter how that may be.
16. Kindness
22.Self less innovation CLICK HERE: To learn about PRANAV MISTRY
23.People who dare to do anything that causes the status quo to scoff.  Harrumph!
24.People who believe in me (it's a VERY short list, albeit incomplete)
28.Letting go
29.Tender hearts
32. The Elements (ALL of them from the periodic chart and the yet to be discovered elements- NO lanthanides don't count, they are man made- just kidding they count if you want them to..spanning all the way to the earth, air, fire, wind, and water of it all)
33.Benevolent intent
35. Anything that sparkles! (Ref: illumination)
36.Daisies (have you ever seen a daisy & NOT felt happy? Or at least enlightened, even a little bit?)
37. Funny quotes
38. Dophins- no such thing as an angry dolphin. They celebrate their lives & frolic all day EVERY day!
39.Life- as we know it.. All of it.. The beautiful mess of it all. We are still here.. So we are not finished yet. I believe each one of us will finish strong.  Life is an EPIC journey.  None of us escape that truth. Try as though we may.  Greatness finds us all, one way or another! ;)
40. The way bubbles immediately  bombard a strawberry when introduced into a glass of champagne (or the like) as if to say " YAY! Im so happy to see you! Im glad youre here! Wanna play?! Do ya? Huh? Huh? How about now? Now? How about now?
41. Manatees. They are the elders of the ocean.  Slow, kind, a nurturing haven to various organisms.  They know more than we ever will about the ocean.  We should pay more attention to them.  I believe in the wisdom of manatees.
42.And never finally, but in consideration of time:
Drum roll please....
I am SO thankful for the ..... HAPPILY EVER AFTER.. & TO BE CONTINUED...

P.S. It's no coincidence that 'the answer to the universe is 42' (per the Hitchhiker's Guide to the galaxy- I'm a science enthusiast through and through. :)

Thank you for reading!!

To honor your time, my introduction was cut / pasted below:

Welp.. It's official! We seem to have sold our souls to apathy. Anyone who has the sense to recognize this notion,  will appreciate the subsequent proposed radical solution contained herein.

Rather than pout, grumble, & complain about it. Let's FIX it!!
Step 1: look around. This world is at a critical tipping point. Where we go from here will determine the success of our desired outcome.

Step 2: Reject apathy! I am just as guilty as the next person when faced with an overwhelming  obstacle, I have often Said to myself: ugh! What a mess! This is bigger than I am, & I don't have the energy it requires to ameliorate this fiasco. Thus, I will just pull the covers over my head & declare; I'm NEVER coming out! Not ever, ever, ever! (I call this VERY important misguided act of self - preservation PCOMH Duty. Get it? Pulling covers over my head?! Ha! What are we, if not but entertained by ourselves?!)

I digress..
So what are we doing about this state of unrest our beautiful world finds itself in, due to our thoughtless non actions, misdeeds, & imposed cognitive dissonance? Well, here it is. Simplistically sophisticated & NOT a solution money can buy.

1. I propose, for your consideration, this gratitude blog. EVERY day I will write about what's so great about this world & the beauty that resides in the space between. Those little nooks & crannies mother nature decorates our beautiful planet with, whether we notice it or not. My goal is to at least BALANCE the chaos of devastation that is all too familiar (everywhere we try not to look) with a revolutionary concept.
PROOF OF LIFE - MIRACULOUS in its own rite.
The answer to an ancient question that we 'intelligent' species have been perplexed by, ever since one of us noted his / her own reflection in a random water- ish vessel & said " Hey! check this out! I think that might be me!?" An endangered question, indeed.  What's so great about this time / sacred space any way?!

2. Where do YOU come in? Well, you're here. (Thank you for that! Nice to meet you, I shall call you AWESOME! I shall pet you, & hug you & love you & feed you & you will be my AWESOME!)  :D
In all seriousness-
I value your time & TRULY appreciate your value / place in this world. I wish ONLY to add to your life! In doing so, fortunately according to the universal rhythm of KARMA I enrich my own. I am already enjoying the bliss of such an enigma even before you read this! So, thank you! Truly, deeply, & with infinite gratitude, THANK YOU FOR YOU!

Now then, let's get started. Time is of the essence. She waits for no one! And yet, every once in a while, she stands still if so inspired to do so. Ironically compensatory.. No? Let's make that number 1.

**Explanations per your inquisition**
1. The IRONY of it all: It's wildly amusing if you think about it. Murphy's Law doesn't stand a chance against a perspective that  refuses to reduce itself to such an incomplete one sided ideology. Silly Murphy! You're holding that paper upside down! Lookie: See? Sometimes you just have to turn things RIGHT SIDE UP. Think of a box. Got it?Imagine ANYTHING you want inside the box.  A care package, surprises,  etc.  Now visualize the words:  THIS END UP! If you REALLY want to boggle your mind, put 'THIS END UP' on BOTH sides of the box.. If you're anything like me; you'll flip & flip & flip your box, soon accelerating into a full out circus performer tumbling it around & around. You may even forget to care about what's in the box & maybe, not even want to know. It matters not, often times.

2. Fireplaces:  I can't help but laugh when I look at our preposterous idea of thinking we can contain a Fire. I picture the Fire, flickering it's flames much like someone that taps their foot when impatience is burning up their people tolerance quotient. A warning sign. CAUTION: FLAMMABLE. We run the risk of witnessing the Fire inside them erupting in an all out combustion process. Potentially with undesirable consequences. I am thankful for feeling edgy when I see someone about to lose it. Say if standing in line at a drug store, for example.  I usually take the initiative to verbalize our collective disdain for such an unnecessary misuse of our time. I smile & say, excuse me. Do you think maybe this is something that could be handled by your co- worker back there? Bouncing a nerf ball against the wall? Or at least maybe he could not do that in plain sight of your customers? Lest, they feel contemptuous of nerf games when they have more important issues that are potentially on the other side of this? Such as, maybe they have an ill loved one at home, in pain? And nerf boy is what is standing between their terminal loved one's pain & suffering ending abruptly?  Do you think maybe we could be more mindful of others?

At the very least, the cashier changes the situation, moves it along. Even if only to shut me up. Works for me. All that matters is that this person who tells me everything I need to know with his / her  tapping foot.  If you're the WILDLY imaginative type: perhaps may be honing his / her pyrokinetic skills, thereby strengthening that ability EVERY time we exploit their purpose & time. Maybe that person is you? Maybe its me. (Just kidding, I have no such skills- that I know of? hmm more on that later perhaps.. The point is: I am SO grateful  for my sensitive nature to be mindful of others place. I wish I knew more people with such considerate intentions. Let it be!)

Back to fireplaces: I laugh because I picture us (human people)  building them & saying to said hypothetical Fire, AMUSE ME!  And the Fire dances for us, as we instruct. Perhaps plotting its entirely possible plan to break free of imposed obstacles & take over the world. Set it on Fire, if you will. I am grateful  for the grace of Fire, knowing all too well, it could destroy us, & everything we love if  we are not careful. Fire is much stronger than we are. We must never forget, the power it yields. Man didn't  create Fire. We noted it.   I'm thankful for the people who do their part to keep our world safe from the fires we set. There's  always someone behind us cleaning up our mess. I hope I do my part to contribute to clean up duty. I know i try with all my heart EVERY day.

3. Inquisitive intuition: Thank you world, for permitting my own inquisitive nature to realize the fascination of you. Thank you for letting me poke prod, hypothesize & experiment with only minor & somewhat reversible consequences. I appreciate your patience & tolerance with me. How can I honor such benevolence? Perhaps i'm doing that now? Perhaps you, the reader will join me in adding their own perspective of gratitude. THAT would be a delightful & inspiring addendum. Perhaps even trigger a manifestation of continuity in my next piece?

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